Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Starting From Scratch

Have you ever made something from scratch?

It takes quite a bit of work. First you find the recipe you want make, buy all the different ingredients, and begin mixing it all together. Certain recipes you have to measure things exactly or cut a certain way or they will not turn out right. Sometimes you're a little short of something and a dash to the store is needed and ah! You're almost done and you forgot to preheat the oven! 

When life begins to get away from you and you've had a horrible day, the last thing you want to do is bake or cook anything. Making things from scratch is time consuming, it's messy, it's hard and I guess that's why now you can buy almost, if not everything in a box at a grocery store or from a bakery. It's easier to take 10 minutes (give or take) to go through the drive-thru for dinner or buy a cake for some one's birthday then to make it yourself. And it's not a sin to do these things, I've had those days too.

However, you can truly tell the difference from a store bought and a home cooked meal/dessert. I'm not saying that everything store bought isn't good but our homemade brownies.... Betty Crocker can't hold a candle too. It's harder and time consuming but it tastes better and is so worth it! Also, people appreciate a homemade meal, you took time and effort out of your busy day to make something they'd all enjoy eating. It says a lot without saying anything.

God is the same way. When we accept Jesus as our Savior He doesn't pull a new us off the shelf and things don't immediately fall into place. You still have debt from college loans, you're still unemployed, you still have those pounds you want to shed, you may still be addicted to _____ (though yes I know some people who quit cold turkey after accepting Jesus) etc. but; now you have hope, peace, love and you have a Father to guide you as you walk the path who is forming you and making you into a new creation day by day by day. God starts from scratch with us, wiping the slate clean. Yes. We have a fresh start and the journey is time consuming; we feel like we take two steps forward some days and two steps backwards other days, we aren't perfect. It's messy as we deal with the ugliness of sin. It's a hard and narrow path... but, it's worth it!

All good things take time. To get from one place to another you must travel the distance in between. To run a race you must first train. To turn a triple pirouette you need to learn how to turn a single pirouette. And on and on and on the list goes.

I've started dance classes here in Haiti from scratch. No studio already in place, no dance assistants, no mirrors, no dancewear. And it is hard, it is messy, it is time consuming but God has been reminding me these past two days that it is worth it. I know that it is true, though my head wants things to move much much faster... but, as God put on my heart New Years, 2015 is the year to be still and know that He is God. To draw close to Him and His Word, to grow in my relationship with Him and it's worth it.

 So, I encourage you all to run with perseverance, to continue on though you're discouraged and you would like to "Just be there all ready!" or to finally see progress. I promise if you're doing His work it is always worth it. We don't see all the behind the scene or the future scenes ahead but He is working. Do not be discouraged for you are His, do not long to race ahead to the end of the book for every moment is leading to something far bigger than you have ever dreamed

Friday, January 16, 2015

Oh Be Careful

"She is mean!"

Was the phrase that came out when I explained why I'd asked for prayer for a certain two year old. I hadn't been back very long, but this little girl had caught my attention. I'd watched as she'd bit, kicked, hit, stole another child's food repeatedly throughout the week and when corrected she would look at me or another teacher, soaking it all in and respond to everything with a confident "Wi" (yes) responding to "You know that's wrong" or "Don't do that again, ok?" but she would turn around and do it a few minutes later!

God, how do I reach this child?

Its funny how God speaks and uses so many different things to touch us. I had started to stick with this little girl, when I wasn't teaching dance; keeping her close, playing with her and just loving on her and it seemed to be making a difference. Then, one day she was sitting on my lap and a little boy came and did something, honestly I don't remember what it was, but I gave his hand a pat and told him "no, don't do that." The little girl then took a swat at his hand repeating what I had said... it was as if her slap had hit me in the face instead. She was watching me and had swung the other way, she was now a little "professor" discipling kids! I asked her teachers and they told me that yes when they reprimand a child she comes running over to do it too. 

God, is this my fault?

I blame myself and beat myself up, mentally, a lot for different things. Which is not healthy and something God is working through with me. A lot of things had been piling on my heart and mind as my eyes were being opened more and more to what these children went home to every day. But, this thought knocked the wind out of me and I wasn't sure where to go. Today though God showed me something that humbled me.

There are a handful of kids I watch when they eat breakfast and lunch. They do not get a lot to eat at home, one needs water instead of milk, one wants to take food home, another is... too weak to eat is the only way I can think to describe it and another isn't up to trying new foods. So, I usually feed these children by hand sit with them on my lap and sometimes they eat and sometimes I try again at lunch. As I came in to check on one of them the little girl was trying to feed the child I was checking on! This child was her own age and honestly wasn't going to be fed by her, but she'd been watching me and was copying me.

I cried.

Children are the next generation, children copy what they see others do, whether it is good or bad. What we are doing matters; God reminds me of this so much! And it's important to be a godly example to these children and to love them with a Christ like love because you're not just helping to change a life but a nation too. We aren't perfect, we'll mess up but hopefully we'll all learn and love through it all.

This is a song that we sing at preschool and you all may have sung it at one point in your lives or another; but this song really stuck to my heart while I was holding my little girl or shadow as she's now being called. 

"Oh be careful little eyes what you see (what you see!) *insert children shouting this last part
Oh be careful little eyes what you see (what you see!)
For the Father up above
He is looking down in love
So, be careful little eyes what you see (what you see!)

I pray that people, not just the children at the preschool, would see Jesus through me.

"Be careful little ears what you hear"

I pray that I listen to God's words and let them fill me.

"Be careful little mouth what you say"

I pray my words are encouraging and loving at all times.

"Be careful little hands what you do"

I pray I am gentle, kind and a servant.

"Be careful little feet where you go"

I pray I follow God wherever He takes me, in a day, week, month and the years ahead.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

21 Things That I Learned From My Mother

The 8th was my mothers "30th" birthday.... plus 20. My mother and I don't always get along or see eye to eye, but she is my mother and has taught me a lot in my almost 21 years with her. So here are the top 21 things that I learned from my mother. (in no particular order)

#1 Manners matter
Since the day I was born my mother taught me to say: "Thank you" when given even the smallest of things, "May I please?" when asking for something, "Yes ma'am" or "Yes sir" when speaking to an adult, "Fine thank you and you?" was always the reply when asked how I was. Elderly people were respected in various different ways. I held the door for people, cleared and washed dishes, offered to help my hostess or my friends parents in anything, took the smaller of the 1/2 of whatever I was splitting, ate whatever was put in front of me (comes in handy on the mission field not that I have tasted more then one thing I wasn't too fond of, very blessed) Apologizing meant saying you are sorry, owning up to what you did as well as asking for forgiveness. Whenever our entire family went anywhere people always commented on how well behaved we all were. Thank you mom for making manners matter in our home.

#2 Always Send Thank You Cards
Every birthday my mom would make a list of everything we received and who we'd received it from and thank you cards were sent out ASAP. And as I grew I realized how important this is and how such a seemingly little thing can mean so much to a person. I have since written thank you notes for more than birthday presents and in a world where, showing people how thankful you are for them or encouraging them through a letter or card is quickly becoming a thing of the past, it's something that I really love doing and really appreciate. Thank you mom for teaching me to say thank you in more ways then one.

#3 Work Somewhere Where You Will Learn A Valuable Skill
With that in mind I worked at my grandparents stall at the Kansas Grown Farmers Market where I learned to: use a cash register, count change, work with interesting customers, sell anything, read people, how to transplant plants and numerous things about plants and vegetables. My second job was babysitting where, thanks to mom and younger siblings, I was already a little mother and parents came home to a sparkling clean house and happy, sleeping children. Third job: I cleaned my dance teachers office: dusting, sweeping and organizing as well as assisting and teaching ballet and tap classes. Fourth job: Worked as a dental assistant and sterilization technician which needs no further explanation. Thank you mom for not letting me "fold shirts at the outlet mall."

#4 Love to Travel
We have family all over the U.S.A as well as in Canada. Growing up we put a lot of miles on our 15 passenger vans traveling to visit family or Silver Dollar City for family vacations. Living in Kansas where we do not have: mountains, cathedrals, forests, etc you learn to really appreciate and marvel at all of that and my mom helped encourage us to do so. Thanks mom for taking me places and helping me to appreciate them.

#5 Hospitality
My mom is a wonderful cook and hostess. Growing up we seemed to always have people over for dinner and  to play games. We also threw a HUGE New Years Day party for hundreds of people every year and my mom planned everything out and always made sure people were enjoying themselves and there was plenty of food for everyone. We've also had numerous people, missionaries and families live with us when going through rough times, sometimes for months. Our door is always open. Thank you mom for reaching out and opening our home.

#6 Gelato is Pretty Good
My mom is a gelato fanatic and would eat it 24/7. I found that yes it is quite delicious but do not have the intense passion, yet. Thank you mom for introducing me to your deep love.

#7 Shopping Smart
My mother taught how "clearance" is a magic word. When to go to stay in front of the crowd and what good long lasting material looks and feels like. Thanks to my mom I have clothes that last an extremely long time and since I'm a bit of a penny pincher when it comes to buying things for myself, it has been most beneficial. Thank you mom for seeing the true quality.

#8 Get 'er Done!
One of the phrases that I think will forever resound in my head is "If you're not going to do a good job then don't even bother." My mother is a go getter and if you need something done quickly and well, mom is the person to call. Seriously. Need to find that needle in a haystack? My mom will find it. Thank you mom for pushing through and finding loopholes in hard times.

#9 Respect Other Peoples Property
If anything was borrowed it was well taken care of and returned the same or better condition than when it was lent. And we left places cleaner then when we arrived. Thank you mom for this lesson that is truly a gift to others.

#10 Take the Initiative
I remember this being in one of our Wisdom booklets. Mom took every opportunity to drive this home and while the house still was not always clean, I think we all applied it more to our "grown up" lives and serving others. Thank you mom for making us see something and picking it up or taking care of it. You've raised world changers.

#11 Work Hard and Serve Others
Laziness is one of my moms pet peeves and ultimately a bad and horrible habit to kick. My mom was a good example of a hardworker to all of us kids, as was my dad.We are all called to serve in one way or another and mom always finds countless ways to serve, not only for her but for our entire family. My mom rarely stops. Thank you mom for making a difference.

#12 Strong Man to Lean On
This is something I more observed then was taught. My mom has high standards for herself and she rarely stops going. When you're moving at that pace and doing your best Satan is going to do his best to trip you up and my dad has always been there for my mom to catch her, listen and back her up. It makes a difference and my mom going a definite keeper. Thank you mom for marrying my dad.

#13 Birth is a Beautiful Thing
My mother has been a midwife for over 25 years and delivered well over 700 babies in this time. She has seen it all and been through it all and still perseveres. I've assisted several births and had the opportunity to photography a few of them. There is such; beauty, such peace and such love in these births. I have teared up at every single one of them. From mom and the women repeating scripture, to the husbands supporting their wives the arrival of each child is so special and the presence of God is SO evident. (I'm not saying that God is only in homebirths, there are times where home birth is appropriate for a family and times when a hospital is. I'm not to say which is for you.) Thank you mom for doing what you love and sharing it with your children.

#14 Reading is an Adventure
Our home is filled with books and each of us has at least one box of books that either we have purchased or we've been given. I've always loved reading and with my mother being my teacher reading was important and her love of books and reading was passed on to all of her children. Thank you mom for showing us adventure at home.

#15 Listen
On those very long car rides, or even on the way to church or fieldtrip my mom would chose a book and read to us. Granted sometimes I could not hear her very clearly but my mom had a way of pulling you into the story and I loved listening to her read. This love of listening has transferred to other places in my life: church, relationships, dance etc and it's a gift I truly appreciate. Thank you mom for being expressive in your reading.

#16 Dance
My mother was a ballerina. I remember playing dress up in her old costumes and trying to find and get her to buy dresses that were perfect "twirling" dresses, you know the kind that spread out when you twirl and when you stop wrap around you? Loved them. When I began dance at the age of 9 my grandmother would remind me how my mother was the only girl her teacher knew who could do the polka in Pointe shoes. I never learned to polka, but I could moonwalk. Thank you mom for giving me this very special gift.

#17 Michelleism's
Mom had a saying or a Bible verse for everything.
"Clothes don't get put down they get put away."
"ASK is a three letter word, not a four."
Glasses and retainers "Go on/in your face or in your case."
"If you're not going to do a good job, don't even bother."
"Be sure your sin will find you out."
"I'm never going to be dumb enough to believe one of your lies."
"I may not know everything, but He does."
Thank you mom for repeating these so they are stuck in my head for the rest of my life.

#18 Instruments
All my siblings and I play one or more musical instruments. And we all started with the piano. Mom loves music and knew how good it was for brain development and so we all started with the basics on piano and then moved to another instrument when we were ready. Mom had the "pleasure" of hearing squeaky, wrong, loud notes on: violins, guitars, a cello, mandolin, recorder and flute. As well as the same song over and over and over and over. Thank you mom for pushing us and putting up with it all.

#19 Home Cooked Meals
Meals at our house have always (with the exception of Friday night pizza) been home cooked and made from scratch. My mom is a wonderful and healthy cook and when we grew older we all had a xhance to work in the kitchen and prepare meals. Having a big family going out to eat was more of a job then fun and when we got older more on the expensive side, though there were times we braved it or it was a special occasion. Though; on our birthdays we each got to go on a date with mom and dad and pick the restaurant! We all looked forward to this all year round. Thank you mom for fantastic meals that spoiled us all.

#20 The Best
Both my parents have always wanted the best for each of us. Being young once and having made mistakes and learning from their own parents they've been determined. And while sometimes we don't agree or we can't see the reason they've always wanted to provide the best and provide the best for their children. Thank you mom for being you.

#21 Pray
When the going got tough my mother hit her knees. God always provided for us and mom always made sure that we remembered that, She had us memorize A Poem by: Amy Carmichael and explained to us all in depth about prayer and how God loves us. It's something that I still reflect on today. Thank you mom for the prayer cover and the many obstacles we've all overcome because we had you as a prayer warrior.

I love my mother. She's the strongest, craziest, hardworking woman I know. Happy Birthday Mamacita.