Thursday, July 14, 2016

June Health Update

I've mentioned this before but the song "It Is Well With My Soul" is one of my favorite hymns, not just because of the beautiful melody or the faith portrayed in the lyrics but also because the faith of the author (click here to read that post) when he wrote it. It's hard to stay positive when it seems things are falling apart, when family members are taken "too soon", when this world keeps heading down a destructive path, when you keep getting knocked down over and over again, when an ending is not in sight. I'm finding myself in that place this week as several things have gone wrong and I received the test results from a second zyto test.

But let's back up

January - I slept on the couch for several weeks, as laying down flat I felt like my lungs were going to explode, I waddled around but just sitting up was exhausting and slept a large percentage of the time. The second week we started to take out the stitches but the incision site started reopening! Waited another week before they came out but then placed butterfly bandages on them to make sure they stayed, silly little thing :p The end of January I got the results of my first zyto test - my endocrine system and liver were stressed, I had a flatworm, and there were several foods I should avoid as my body wasn't liking them. The list included wheat, turkey and cows milk among other things.

Highlights: Meeting my newest niece Tess, attending and helping photograph the birth of my newest nephew Alex, time with family, sleep ;)

February - I was walking more easily but, an evening out, even just to a movie and dinner, mean't I would be down for several days after. I started taking pills and doing my best to drink a pitcher or more of water a day, and usually succeeded! It was also recommended to do three weeks of colonics, there was a nice little place in Wichita and it did help but was not something I looked forward to going to twice a week. Also started experimenting with Kale since I was supposed to stay away from spinach. No to it in smoothies (tastes like bug spray) but added to eggs with some italian seasoning and cayenne pepper, delicious!

Highlights: my birthday, our foreign exchange student's birthday, evening out with my parents, doing a table on Haiti for mission fest at my church, playing with nieces and nephews who could now remember my name ;) Visit from a dear mentor also known as the peach lady ;) Started driving near the end of the month! Painful but worth it!

March - While still tired easily I was up more and got to help with my old dance studios photo shoot! So much fun to see some of my old team mates, little girls I used to teach who aren't so little anymore and to feel of some use again. My legs, arms and hands would tire very easily and carrying a cup of tea felt like a 5Ib ball in my hand. If I stood for too long my legs would start to ache and than shake so I tried to still sit as much as possible.
I was asked to start doing preschool with three little girls from Pakistan to help them learn english and try to give their pregnant momma a break for a couple hours as 3 little girls under the age of 4 is a bit of a handful ;) I didn't speak any Urdu and it's nowhere near French or Kreyol, surprise surprise, but we had fun building with legos, lincoln logs, learning shapes, coloring, singing and they picked up on things very fast!

Highlights: My brother bridged over into boyscouts, my family drove to Manhattan for a Rend Collective concert (one of my favorite bands) finished colonics, got a massage and my favorite chai tea from the best coffee shop in my town, spring, trip to Kansas City for spring break with the family, got to spend time with old friends.

April - Had good and bad days but it seemed more good days. Still resting a lot, reading, journaling, sleeping but more active! Body aches were still an almost daily thing and if I did too much I could definitely feel it the next day. Still not standing for too long but all around felt like I was making some baby steps forward. As you may or may not know I have a passion for photography, I do not consider myself a professional as I have quite a bit to learn but, I had started photographing again in February for a birth and did another birth in April, I was so thrilled to be able to start doing something that I love again that wasn't to stressful on my body and was a way to bless people around me. I decided to pursue it a little more and ask some local photographers if I could shadow them, I put out some messages and Megan Hein Photography replied back giving me the chance to shadow an upcoming engagement session as well as couple weddings in May! What a blessing!

Highlights: my Pakistani girls got a new baby brother, there was one day I wasn't freezing and wore shorts! I got to help plan and throw my sister a roaring 20's mystery dinner for her 15th birthday! I had the opportunity to put together some photo books for Maranatha which was fun to go through photos and gave me something meaningful to do.

May - I was beginning to feel more like myself, I was drinking plenty of water, taking pills, and wasn't as tired though still spending a lot of time reading and resting in my room. This month was full of graduations for my family as my sister graduated from high school, brother from Hutch Community College and my sister and father from Newman University (my dad with his masters woot woot!) I was tired after each event but not in a need to go lay down and sleep for forever kind of way and am able to stand a little longer, progress! I started shadowing Megan Hein who is an absolute joy to work with and her passion and ministry is as beautiful as her photography skills. I'm picking up a lot and it's so nice to be helpful after laying around like a bump on a log ;)

Highlights: watching parents and sister run a half marathon, celebrating 3 sisters birthdays, graduations, shadowing 2 weddings and doing senior pictures for my Krgy sister.

That brings us to June - Since I was feeling so much better I had some high hopes for this next test and I was really hoping to get the "ok" from my doctor to fly back to Haiti for the last week or two of English Camp! I would of course promise to be a good patient, take all my pills, drink plenty of water etc, no big deal right? Wrong. test results don't lie and though I'm "feeling" 60% better the report showed that my: liver, endocrine system, pancreas and neurotransmitters were stressed. I still had parasites, and added to the list was: clostridium and staph infections as well as B-complex, calcium, magnesium, manganese, vitamin-E and vitamin-C deficiencies.... on the plus side my doctor reassured me that I'm NOT going crazy as I've been having trouble concentrating and remembering things, my transmitters are stressed giving me something similar to what they call "pregnancy brain" no I'm NOT pregnant just dealing with a lot going on in side this body so.... good news! Also, I can have milk, spinach and turkey again ;)

I did cry though. I really tried not to, but when my doctors response about Haiti was "I won't tell you "no" if you're absolutely positive that God wants you to go. But, you need to understand that it will definitely increase your recovery time" I knew, that I wasn't going to camp and God was shutting the crack that I'd made in that closed door. My mom comforted me in the thought that it wasn't closed forever just this summer. I reached out to my Haiti crew (3 wonderful friends from Boston, Canada and Texas I'd made while living there) letting them know the news and each of them, knowing my pain and sharing in my passion came alongside me encouraging me that I was in the palm of God's hand and He wasn't done with me yet. Very thankful for these lovely ladies, they're my gems.

As the day went on, through all my tears and disappointment in myself God was there. Speaking to me, encouraging me and reminding me that I'm where I'm supposed to be and not being able to go to Haiti doesn't mean I'm any less loved by or useful to my loving Savior.

I don't know if it's just me, or if every missionary that returns home from overseas sick goes through this battle of not feeling like they did enough, finding it hard to "fit" back into their previous home life etc etc but I encourage you that if you know someone whose returned from the mission field to truly reach out to them, invite them over, listen to their stories even if you can't relate. The little things mean so very much. And please don't take this as me whining and asking for attention. I'm so blessed and am thankful for the people that have kept up, encouraged and visited with me. It's truly a blessing.

I'm also very thankful for this time with my family that I missed way more than I thought and who've grown in so many different ways. I don't know what this next month or the rest of this year holds. God's plan doesn't always "make sense" to us but than again it doesn't really have to when we know who God is and that He works all things out for good.

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